Watson Glaser Tests

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Watson Glaser is an assessment provider that focuses on drawing out a candidate's creative flair and ability to think outside the box. As a result, it’s often used by aviation companies when they’re hiring new staff. Presenting you with limited information, the assessment consists of 40 questions that need to be completed within 20-30 minutes. There is an older version that is 80 questions long, but this is rarely used anymore.

The Watson Glaser test

The test itself is split into the following five sections:

Section 1 – Inference

In this section you will be given a passage of information and a related statement. You will then need to decide whether the statement is true, false or if you cannot say, based on the information you’ve read.

Section 2 – Recognising assumptions

Again, you’ll be given a short passage of information and a statement which is more of an assumption. You will then need to decide whether the assumption can be made from the information provided. This is to test your ability to separate fact from fiction.

Section 3 - Deduction

After reading through some information, you'll have to decide whether the associated conclusions are justified or not.

Section 4 - Interpretation

Here, you’ll need to look at the weight of various arguments relating to a particular issue. The passage of text will follow with a conclusion, and you will be asked to determine whether this conclusion is accurate, given the information provided

Section 5 – Evaluation of arguments

Determining the strength or weakness of an argument is what you’re being assessed on here. You’ll read a question followed by an argument, and then you’ll need to decide whether the argument is directly related to the question and if it’s important or not.

Sample Watson Glaser Tests question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

If all technological gadgets are electronic devices, and some electronic devices are on sale, which of the following statements must be true?

  • All technological gadgets are on sale.
  • Some technological gadgets may be on sale.
  • No technological gadgets are on sale.
  • All items on sale are technological gadgets.

All roses are flowers. Some flowers fade quickly. Therefore, some roses fade quickly. Is the conclusion above logically valid based on the statements above?

  • Yes, because all roses are flowers and some flowers fade quickly.
  • No, because the fact that some flowers fade quickly doesn't necessarily include roses.
  • Yes, because 'some' could include 'all' and the statement would still be correct.
  • No, the conclusion is based on a generalized subset of flowers that may not include roses.

Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statement: 'Only students who study diligently make good grades. Mark studies diligently.'

  • Mark is a student.
  • Mark makes good grades.
  • Everyone who makes good grades studies diligently.
  • Studying diligently is the only way to make good grades.

A newspaper article reported that: 'The majority of children in the city's schools did not pass the standardized tests this year.' Which conclusion is logically valid based on the report?

  • The city's schools are failing to educate their students properly.
  • More than half of the children in the city's schools failed the standardized tests.
  • The tests were too difficult for the majority of students.
  • Students who passed the tests are likely to be in the minority at their schools.

An office manager states that 'employees who are satisfied with their job perform better than those who are not.' It can be understood that:

  • Job satisfaction is the only factor that determines employee performance.
  • Improving job satisfaction can lead to better employee performance.
  • Employees performing poorly are dissatisfied with their job.
  • All employees who are not performing well are not satisfied with their job.

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Watson Glaser Tests Tips

Understand the Watson Glaser Structure

Before you begin practicing, it's vital to understand the way Watson Glaser tests are structured. These assessments are designed to evaluate critical thinking and include sections on drawing inferences, recognizing assumptions, and argument evaluation. By getting familiar with the format, you'll know exactly what to expect, which can ease test-day nerves.

Hone Your Critical Thinking

Watson Glaser tests measure your critical thinking skills, so you should concentrate on developing this ability. Take the time to critically analyze articles, reports, and arguments in everyday life. Ask yourself what assumptions are being made and if there are alternative interpretations.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Time management is crucial when taking any standardized test, including the Watson Glaser. Make sure you understand how much time you have for each section and practice pacing yourself to ensure you can complete the test within the time limit without rushing through the questions.

Practice Under Exam Conditions

To gain confidence and reduce anxiety, practice the tests under exam conditions. Find a quiet environment, set a timer, and avoid interruptions. This will help you simulate the pressure of the actual exam, making the true test feel more familiar.

Review Your Answers

After practicing, take the time to review your answers. Understand why you got a question wrong and learn from your mistakes. Reviewing the correct answers will help reinforce learning and improve your performance for the actual test.

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Watson Glaser Tests FAQs

Where can I practice Watson Glaser test questions for free?

You can practice free Watson Glaser questions using our online test platform which provides you access to example test questions.

Are Watson Glaser tests hard to pass?

There are a variety of different questions you'll be asked, with varying degrees of difficulty - depending on your abilities these can be challenging. Although there is no pass/fail, your results will be compared with benchmarks and other candidates taking the test when being considered for shortlisting.

How long will it take to complete the Watson Glaser publisher test?

The typical duration of the Watson Glaser assessment is approximately 30 minutes but may vary depending on the test batter you are given.

What is a good pass mark?

75% or above on a Watson Glaser test is considered good enough to be considered for shortlisting.